The United States and Russia – guarantors of energy stability and peace in the 21st century
Bogoljub Karić, a prominent Serbian businessman, philanthropist, and visionary, addressed an open letter to US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, urging them to take on historic responsibility as guarantors of energy stability and global peace. Karić calls on Presidents Putin and Trump to reach a landmark energy agreement.
“The world stands at a historic turning point, where the two leading powers, the United States and the Russian Federation, have a unique opportunity to resolve the issue of energy security and global stability once and for all. Now, as you restart peace talks on Ukraine, a new opportunity arises to reach a lasting strategic agreement that would eliminate the root causes of global tensions and conflicts over energy resources,” Karić stated.
Proposal for an energy agreement
In his letter, Karić outlines concrete steps towards lasting peace and long-term stability. He is convinced that Putin and Trump can serve as guarantors of energy stability in Europe and globally, and he proposes that:
· The United States and Russia take responsibility for the key issue of energy distribution, particularly the supply of natural gas to Europe and other stakeholder countries, in cooperation with Belarus and Ukraine.
· The United States assume a strategic role as a partner and stabiliser of the global energy market, replacing intermediary states that have thus far proven to be incompetent and unreliable.
· The Nord Stream gas pipeline be restored under the joint guarantee of the United States and Russia, ensuring an uninterrupted and stable supply of natural gas.
· A US-Russia energy alliance – a fund that would guarantee stable prices and secure gas supply to all European countries – be established.
At the same time, he proposes urgent measures to ensure energy stability:
1. Signing an energy agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States.
2. Holding a high-level meeting to establish a clear agreement on gas corridors, guaranteed supply conditions, and distribution.
3. Creating a joint US-Russia energy fund to invest in energy infrastructure.
4. Hosting an energy summit in Serbia, specifically in Belgrade, to finalise key agreements on the future of energy in Europe and globally.
Why has Bogoljub Karić launched this initiative?
In his letter, Karić underscores that the world has already witnessed the catastrophic consequences of European conflicts twice in the past century, stating: “History has shown that Europe has twice sparked global disasters in the past century, leading to the suffering of tens of millions. The Second World War, initiated by certain European countries, resulted in the deaths of over 50 million people and the destruction of entire nations. Today, with the war in Ukraine, the world once again stands on the brink of a global catastrophe, facing nuclear threats, economic crises, and energy insecurity. History teaches us that we cannot afford to repeat such mistakes.”
In this context, he stresses that the responsibility of the world’s two leading military and economic powers, Russia and the United States, extends beyond mere strength—it is a moral obligation to safeguard peace and energy security.
“This is more than just an energy agreement; it is an opportunity to break the cycle of geopolitical conflicts and establish a lasting foundation for peace, economic growth, and a stable future for all,” Karić emphasised.
Bogoljub Karić appeals to all key global players—including China, India, the European Union, and other leading economic powers—to support this peace-driven energy agreement.
“I call on Presidents Trump and Putin to work together in ensuring global energy stability and comprehensive economic growth, not just for Europe but for Russia, the United States, and the entire world,” Karić concluded.
Proposal for an energy agreement
In his letter, Karić outlines concrete steps towards lasting peace and long-term stability. He is convinced that Putin and Trump can serve as guarantors of energy stability in Europe and globally, and he proposes that:
· The United States and Russia take responsibility for the key issue of energy distribution, particularly the supply of natural gas to Europe and other stakeholder countries, in cooperation with Belarus and Ukraine.
· The United States assume a strategic role as a partner and stabiliser of the global energy market, replacing intermediary states that have thus far proven to be incompetent and unreliable.
· The Nord Stream gas pipeline be restored under the joint guarantee of the United States and Russia, ensuring an uninterrupted and stable supply of natural gas.
· A US-Russia energy alliance – a fund that would guarantee stable prices and secure gas supply to all European countries – be established.
At the same time, he proposes urgent measures to ensure energy stability:
1. Signing an energy agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States.
2. Holding a high-level meeting to establish a clear agreement on gas corridors, guaranteed supply conditions, and distribution.
3. Creating a joint US-Russia energy fund to invest in energy infrastructure.
4. Hosting an energy summit in Serbia, specifically in Belgrade, to finalise key agreements on the future of energy in Europe and globally.
Why has Bogoljub Karić launched this initiative?
In his letter, Karić underscores that the world has already witnessed the catastrophic consequences of European conflicts twice in the past century, stating: “History has shown that Europe has twice sparked global disasters in the past century, leading to the suffering of tens of millions. The Second World War, initiated by certain European countries, resulted in the deaths of over 50 million people and the destruction of entire nations. Today, with the war in Ukraine, the world once again stands on the brink of a global catastrophe, facing nuclear threats, economic crises, and energy insecurity. History teaches us that we cannot afford to repeat such mistakes.”
In this context, he stresses that the responsibility of the world’s two leading military and economic powers, Russia and the United States, extends beyond mere strength—it is a moral obligation to safeguard peace and energy security.
“This is more than just an energy agreement; it is an opportunity to break the cycle of geopolitical conflicts and establish a lasting foundation for peace, economic growth, and a stable future for all,” Karić emphasised.
Bogoljub Karić appeals to all key global players—including China, India, the European Union, and other leading economic powers—to support this peace-driven energy agreement.
“I call on Presidents Trump and Putin to work together in ensuring global energy stability and comprehensive economic growth, not just for Europe but for Russia, the United States, and the entire world,” Karić concluded.
Bogoljub Karić
About the autor:
Bogoljub J. Karić, born in 1954 in Peć/Peja, holds a degree in geography from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Priština. He earned his master's degree in "Organization and Development of Small Business" from the Faculty of Economics in Niš. In 1971, alongside his three brothers and sister, he established the family business "Braća Karić" in Peć. In 1971, alongside his three brothers and sister, he established the family-owned factory "Braća Karić" in Peć. Over nearly half a century, he expanded this business into a large-scale company operating across various sectors globally, including telecommunications, construction, finance, education, media, trade, etc. He serves as a member of the IFIMES Advisory Board, the President of the International Committee "Nikola Tesla," an expert with the UN Sustainable Development Programme, a member of the UN Global Marketplace, and a contributor to the UN "AI for Good" initiative. Karić is recognised as a pioneer and reformer of capitalism in Yugoslavia and Gorbachev's Soviet Union, as well as a visionary, innovator, philanthropist, and architect of the new global economic order.
[*] Letters to President Trump and President Putin, link:
[**] IFIMES - International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies, based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, has a special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council ECOSOC/UN in New York since 2018, and it is the publisher of the international scientific journal “European Perspectives”, link:
· Link (ENG): Press release ● The United States and Russia – guarantors of energy stability and peace in the 21st century
· Link (BSH): Saopštenje za javnost: Sjedinjene države i Rusija – garanti energetske stabilnosti i mira u 21. veku
· Link (SLO): Sporočilo za javnost: ZDA in Rusija – garanti energetske stabilnosti in miru v 21. stoletju
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· Link (SLO): Analiza ● Dejan Azeski: Titovo Velenje in Trumpov Balkan
· Link (ENG): Analysis ● Bogoljub J. Karić: Geopolitical vision of the future: Serbia in the new global order
· Link (BSH): Analiza ● Bogoljub J. Karić: Geopolitička vizija budućnosti: Srbija u novom globalnom poretku
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· Link (ENG): International scientific journal "European Perspectives"
· Link (ENG): IFIMES presentation film
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