
Visualizzazione dei post con l'etichetta Kamila Bogdanova

Biohacking: Key Legal, Moral and Commercial considerations

  Biohacking is a rapidly growing movement that combines technology, biology, and self-experimentation to optimize human performance and well-being. It encompasses a range of practices, from genetic modifications and wearable technology to cognitive enhancement and nutritional interventions. In the European Union (EU), where health, technology, and data privacy regulations are extensive, the rise of biohacking challenges traditional legal and ethical boundaries and raises complex regulatory questions. While biohacking offers individuals unprecedented control over their physical and mental capabilities, it often operates on the fringes of legality, exploiting regulatory gaps. This article explores biohacking’s core practices and examines the legal frameworks, including treaties like the Oviedo Convention, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and other relevant EU policies, along with the regulatory loopholes that biohackers navigate and the broader implications for regulat...

Global Developmental Agencies at Work

  On September 14th, the seventh session of the Certified Economic Diplomat Program at the Institute of Economics and Finance in Ghana featured a trio of eminent speakers who provided deep insights into the functions and impact of global development agencies. Ute Reisinger , Senior Environmental and Social Development Specialist at the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Ricardo Gomez Puternicki , Senior Counsel at the OPEC Fund for International Development, and Florian Peter Iwinjak , External Relations Officer at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), each shared their perspectives on how their respective organizations contribute to international development. Ute Reisinger opened the session with a comprehensive overview of Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) and their role in financing sustainable development, with a particular emphasis on Africa. She traced the origins of DFIs to the Bretton Woods institutions—the International Monetary Fund...