
Visualizzazione dei post con l'etichetta Russia

Serbia between East and West

  T he election of  Donald Trump   as the new President of the United States introduces a new global reality.  Elon Musk  is emerging as the spokesperson for the new American foreign policy and the ongoing internal restructuring in the US. The United States is facing numerous domestic challenges while striving to reassert strong leadership on the global stage. The new American administration’s first major test will be bringing an end to the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. Following these actions, its approach to Russia and China will become clearer. While the Western Balkans will certainly not be a priority for American foreign policy, the complex situations in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina will need to be addressed, particularly as tensions in North Macedonia continue to escalate. It remains to be seen how the new American administration will view individual countries in the Western Balkans, with particular attention on its stance toward Serbia . The questio...

The presidential elections in Belarus 2025: the curse and revenge of geography

  G eography, despite its various definitions, often manifests as a curse in international relations, creating obstacles that hinder the development of certain nations. These challenges stem from the geographical position of a country’s territory or its natural resources and can expose a state to security threats from both external and internal adversaries. In their pursuit of interests, neighbouring countries or global superpowers often adopt dangerous policies, disregarding international norms and the interests of others. The countries in such delicate environments find it extremely difficult to maintain independence, sovereignty, and sustainable development. Contemporary examples of the curse of geography in today’s world include the Turkish-Greek maritime border dispute, the conflict between Turkey and Cyprus over oil and gas exploitation in the Eastern Mediterranean, and Lebanon's position between two warring states, Syria and Israel. Geography’s curse extends to rivers, where...