
Visualizzazione dei post con l'etichetta Serbia

Serbia between East and West

  T he election of  Donald Trump   as the new President of the United States introduces a new global reality.  Elon Musk  is emerging as the spokesperson for the new American foreign policy and the ongoing internal restructuring in the US. The United States is facing numerous domestic challenges while striving to reassert strong leadership on the global stage. The new American administration’s first major test will be bringing an end to the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. Following these actions, its approach to Russia and China will become clearer. While the Western Balkans will certainly not be a priority for American foreign policy, the complex situations in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina will need to be addressed, particularly as tensions in North Macedonia continue to escalate. It remains to be seen how the new American administration will view individual countries in the Western Balkans, with particular attention on its stance toward Serbia . The questio...

Serbia - Kosovo 2023: the disinformation war

  A s the end of 2023 approaches, tensions in the relationship between Serbia and Kosovo are on the rise. The Russian invasion of Ukraine, coupled with the local elections in northern Kosovo's municipalities of Mitrovica, Leposavić, Zvečan, and Zubin Potok, which were boycotted by members of the majority Serbian community, have led to an upsurge in tensions and violence. In February 2023, envoys from France, Germany, the EU, the US, and Italy met with Serbian President  Aleksandar Vučić  (SNS) and Kosovar Prime Minister  Albin Kurti  (LVV) in an attempt to persuade them to sign a plan aimed at calming tensions and achieving full normalization of relations. The outcome was the unsigned Ohrid Agreement, outlining the parties' specific commitments for implementation. More recently, Azerbaijan initiated a military operation, successfully reclaiming the secessionist enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, an event that consequently reverberates in its implications for the situa...

Is ‘Serbian resistance’ feasible in Kosovo?

  N umerous multilateral meetings have convened to discuss the Kosovo situation. Recently, the European Political Community Summit took place in Granada. Kosovo was in focus, albeit only declaratively, as no substantive steps were taken to overcome the existing crisis and reduce tensions. The forthcoming Berlin Process Summit in Tirana is unlikely to yield a solution for Kosovo, as Germany is primarily part of the problem in Kosovo, rather than a part of the solution. The crisis escalation in Kosovo culminated in an isolated armed incident in the town of  Banjska  on 24 September 2023, where a group of local Serbs clashed with the Kosovo police. What is presently known is that the former Vice President of the Serbian List,  Milan Radoičić , has acknowledged his presence in  Banjska  with a group of individuals. According to his statement, his intention was to encourage " the Serbian population in that region in offering resistance to the daily terror they a...