
Visualizzazione dei post con l'etichetta Corneliu Pivariu

Syria: a larger Lebanon or a signal for major geopolitical changes in 2025?

        "When politicians play with the pencil on the map, the drums of war begin to beat." — Otto von Bismarck I. Brief History S yria, under French mandate after World War I, gained independence in 1945, subsequently experiencing a highly turbulent political and social period marked by numerous military coups until 1970, when General Hafez Al-Assad seized power through a coup. A referendum in the spring of 1971 legitimized his leadership, establishing an autocratic rule based on the military and secret services, widely supported by his Alawite coreligionists (a minority), who held the most important positions in the power structures. The natural passing of Hafez Al-Assad in 2000, one of the longest-serving heads of state in the Middle East, was linked by many analysts to the beginning of Syria’s decline in regional influence. His successor, his son Bashar, assumed power instead of his elder brother Basel, who had been groomed for leadership but died in a t...

Is peace in the Middle-East sincerely desired?

  “There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen.”   Vladimir Ilyich Lenin T his quote seems very fitting for the historical period we are living through, especially in the Middle East. The question in the title is more rhetorical, with the answer being known to almost everyone who is well-informed. Only a few days have passed since the commemoration of the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023, which resulted in the deaths of over 1,200 people and the kidnapping of around 250 Israeli citizens. These are the largest Israeli losses since the 1948 war. From October 2023 to the present, Israel has killed more than 42,000 Palestinians in Gaza , destroyed the region's infrastructure, and caused the exodus of almost 2 million people . Although they claim to have killed over 15,000 Hamas fighters and destroyed thousands of tunnels, the Israeli army has not yet managed to completely annihilate Hamas or eliminate its military force, despite inflicting si...