Swiss model for Bosnia and Herzegovina

A lmost thirty years after the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is still in a sort of coma, and some say that there has never been a worse crisis, which is often said since the war. This text[ 2 ] is not daily-political and should not be interpreted as such, but the thinking of an engaged intellectual who cares about all of Bosnia and Herzegovina and all the citizens and peoples of this country, and especially about peace in BiH and the world. As the famous saying goes: Without a peaceful Bosnia, there is no peaceful Europe . Now BiH has a chance on March 21, 2024 to start negotiations for joining the European Union, which is truly the most important political fact since Dayton. There are no ideal solutions, but it is clear to everyone that this type of entity arrangement is exhausted and that something should be changed and improved. And the architect of the Dayton Agreement in 1995 - which stopped the war, and that should always ...