Devolution through Technology: digital colonialism of the new-age technofeudalism

The reach of speaking is both in what is spoken and - even more - in its visibility of non-verbal communication that accompanies told. However, the magic of writing has a second, stronger power: It lies in the fact that dialogue is not only conducted with contemporaries. Writing can also reach future generations. The great poet Mak says: "When no one listens, write". How will we contemplate about the last couple of decades in some five or ten years? How will we explain our indifference, silence, head bowing, retreat? What will we tell our children, what will we leave to the next generations? Throughout the long and arduous course of human history, both progress and its horizontal transfer were an extremely slow, sporadic and tedious process. Only in the classical period of Alexander the Great and his magnificent Alexandrian library will the speed of transmission of our knowledge change; though modest, analogue, and backward—it still outpaced the snail's pace of our disc...