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The Essence of Today in Yesterday's Facts 1924-2024: Parvus A Hundred Years Later

  Aleksandr L'vovič Parvus Premise   T he more I delve into “ Parvus '” figure, the more I get deeper into the well of the problems which constitute the rear of the contradictions, which today burst out again with so much virulence. One cannot understand the war in Ukraine without understanding the Russian Revolution first; nobody can acquaint oneself with this war, once again in Europe – against Europe – if the multi-secular attempt of dismembering Russia by detaching Finland and Ukraine (as foreseen in Parvus' Memorandum; there is, today, a blatant similitude with 1939) from it, is not grasped. Likewise, incomprehensible are bound to remain the Middle Eastern and the Balkan puzzles, theatres of open conflicts or new tension, if one does not catch the intimate and deep essence of First World War and the actions of prominent men who, like Parvus, worked along the Rimland borders, the Middle Earth and gate to controlling the world. It is precisely the critical Rimland fault

Tehran’s regional strategic policy post October 7 attack

  W hile addressing the Islamic governments on October 3 2023, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned leaders against normalising their relations with Israel, equating all initiatives to betting on a losing horse. Meagre days after his address to the Islamic governments, Hamas fighters infiltrated Israeli territories, culminating in an ongoing war in Gaza. The war not only reversed normalisation processes between Israel and Saudi Arabia, but shifted even the staunchest sympathiser (public sympathy poured for Israelis in the first few weeks) towards Palestinians (and the Islamic world) as the battle in Gaza enraged. Although Tehran denied its role in orchestrating the October 7 attack, experts argued on Tehran being deliberately kept in the dark on the nature/specificity or intensity of the attack despite Tehran’s strategic control over Hamas. That said, political leadership in Tehran continue to take the credit post-October 7, threatening Israel in roughly all political/no