
Visualizzazione dei post con l'etichetta Alexander Lukashenko

Presidential elections in Belarus 2025: a new phase in the country's socio-political and economic development

  A mid turbulent events that have gripped the world, including two wars in Europe and the Middle East, Belarus is gearing up for its presidential elections on 26 January 2025. This event marks a critical turning point in the political life of Belarus, which, despite all challenges, has maintained security and stability while achieving an impressive level of economic growth. A total of 6,913,965 Belarusian citizens are eligible to vote in what can be viewed as a popular referendum on the direction the country will take in the coming period. These elections are expected to usher in a new phase of socio-political and economic development in Belarusian history, defined by stability and economic progress in the face of Western sanctions and the war in neighbouring Ukraine. Belarusians hope that  Donald Trump ’s election will signal the start of strategic dialogue with the West and bring about a relaxation of imposed sanctions. Analysts estimate that the incumbent president,  ...

The presidential elections in Belarus 2025: the curse and revenge of geography

  G eography, despite its various definitions, often manifests as a curse in international relations, creating obstacles that hinder the development of certain nations. These challenges stem from the geographical position of a country’s territory or its natural resources and can expose a state to security threats from both external and internal adversaries. In their pursuit of interests, neighbouring countries or global superpowers often adopt dangerous policies, disregarding international norms and the interests of others. The countries in such delicate environments find it extremely difficult to maintain independence, sovereignty, and sustainable development. Contemporary examples of the curse of geography in today’s world include the Turkish-Greek maritime border dispute, the conflict between Turkey and Cyprus over oil and gas exploitation in the Eastern Mediterranean, and Lebanon's position between two warring states, Syria and Israel. Geography’s curse extends to rivers, where...