Academician Mirko Pejanović recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award
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Stjepan Mesić (left), Mirko Pejanović, (right) |
The International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES)[1] awarded a “lifetime achievement award” to the vice-president of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ANUBiH) and former member of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1996), Academician Prof. Dr. Mirko Pejanović.
Honorary President of the International Institute IFIMES Stjepan Mesić, former President of the Republic of Croatia, presented Academician Pejanović with the Lifetime Achievement Award. President Mesić highlighted the role and contribution of Academician Pejanović in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the most difficult period of aggression against this country and his state-building activities by strengthening democracy and the development of a multi-ethnic society. As a politician, statesman and top intellectual, Academician Pejanović contributed to the affirmation of the Euro-Atlantic path of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the goal of his country becoming a full member of the EU and NATO. Everything that Academician Pejanović did in his life as a convinced European, and even more so as a convinced and genuine Bosnian, in the most positive sense of the word, should guide current and future generations, said Mesić.
The International Institute IFIMES believes that it is necessary to highlight the role of Academician Pejanović as an active participant and witness in what was probably the most difficult time in the modern history of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a member of the presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the war period, he made an immeasurable contribution to the preservation of this country, its historical essence, which is characterized by multi-ethnicity, multi-religiousness and multiculturalism. According to Academician Pejanović, precisely the unity in the differences of people in Bosnia and Herzegovina is an advantage and not a disadvantage of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The International Institute IFIMES believes that it is necessary to highlight the role of Academician Pejanović as an active participant and witness in what was probably the most difficult time in the modern history of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a member of the presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the war period, he made an immeasurable contribution to the preservation of this country, its historical essence, which is characterized by multi-ethnicity, multi-religiousness and multiculturalism. According to Academician Pejanović, precisely the unity in the differences of people in Bosnia and Herzegovina is an advantage and not a disadvantage of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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Photo: Bakhatyar Aljaf (left), Valentin Inzko, Ernest Petrič, Stjepan Mesić, Mirko Pejanović, Zijad Bećirović (right) |
Academician Mirko Pejanović thanked for the award and in his ceremonial address emphasized the importance of the Euro-Atlantic path of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the goal of Bosnia and Herzegovina becoming a member of the EU and NATO, and the countries of the Western Balkan region becoming full members of the EU. Each country has its own homework to do by achieving a general social consensus on the way to the EU. The process of cooperation, reconciliation, the rule of law, the development of a multi-ethnic society, nurturing diversity, strengthening regional cooperation and adopting European values can only bring good and prosperity to the entire region. It is therefore important to ensure lasting peace and long-term stability.
Ljubljana, 9 November 2023
[1] IFIMES - International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies, based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, has a special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council ECOSOC/UN in New York since 2018, and it is the publisher of the international scientific journal »European Perspectives.«
- Link (ENG): Press release: Academician Mirko Pejanović recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award
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- Link (ENG): https://www. International scientific journal "European Perspectives"
- Link (ENG):
v=645V9eryieI&t=5s (IFIMES presentation film)
IFIMES – International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies
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