
Geopolitics of the COP 29 Summit, in Baku

Climate change has become one of the most pressing issues in global governance, shaping both the domestic policies of states and their international relations. Its multifaceted impacts transcend environmental degradation, influencing economic stability, political systems, migration patterns, and even military security.   Climate change requires an even deeper analyze from the perspective of its geopolitical importance . The upcoming COP 29 Conference in Baku, November 2024 , will be highly significant, especially in the context of how climate change is shaping geopolitical relations and regional stability. Azerbaijan’s role as host presents a unique opportunity for the country to influence global climate diplomacy, particularly because of its position at the crossroads of Europe , Asia , and the Middle Eas t, and as a key player in the energy market. Ambassador  Arben Cici   -  Professor of International Relations  Mediterranean University of Albania 1.  Azerbaijan's Role in the

Global Developmental Agencies at Work

  On September 14th, the seventh session of the Certified Economic Diplomat Program at the Institute of Economics and Finance in Ghana featured a trio of eminent speakers who provided deep insights into the functions and impact of global development agencies. Ute Reisinger , Senior Environmental and Social Development Specialist at the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Ricardo Gomez Puternicki , Senior Counsel at the OPEC Fund for International Development, and Florian Peter Iwinjak , External Relations Officer at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), each shared their perspectives on how their respective organizations contribute to international development. Ute Reisinger opened the session with a comprehensive overview of Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) and their role in financing sustainable development, with a particular emphasis on Africa. She traced the origins of DFIs to the Bretton Woods institutions—the International Monetary Fund (IM

Conferenza stampa di "Citizens of the world" e "Books for Peace" allo Spazio Europa Experience "David Sassoli" del Parlamento Europeo a Roma

  In un mondo sempre più fragile e interconnesso, la cultura emerge come strumento fondamentale per costruire ponti di comprensione e cooperazione tra i popoli. Nello Spazio Europa Experience – David Sassoli del Parlamento Europeo, a Roma , si è tenuta oggi un’interessante conferenza stampa, dal titolo “ Citizens of the world ”, che ha visto confrontarsi sul tema Anastas Angjeli , Presidente della Mediterranean University Albania (con cui ci sono già intese e prospettive di collaborazione culturale per la Pace)   Alessandro Boccolini , Professore associato di Storia moderna all’Università della Tuscia, Arben Cici , Pro-Rettore della Mediterranean University Albania , S.E. Majlinda Frangaj ,   Ambasciatrice della Repubblica d’Albania   presso la Santa Sede e il Sovrano Ordine di Malta  e Antonio Imeneo  dell’ UniFUNVIC  Europe e Presidente di  BOOKS for PEACE . Con un focus attento sul “modello” Albania , nel corso dei lavori, gli illustri relatori hanno condiviso le loro riflessioni s


  The nineteenth edition of the Rome Film Festival – dedicated to Marcello Mastroiani on the centenary of his birth – will take place from the 16th until 27th of October at the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone , involving numerous other locations and other cultural realities. The Film Festival is produced by Fondazione Cinema for Rome. The event is promoted by Roma Capitale, the Lazio Region, Cinecittà (representing the Ministry of Culture), Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato and Agricultura of Rome and Fondazione Musica for Rome Salvatore Nastasi is the President of the Fondazione Cinema for Rome and the Board of Directors composed by Manuela Maccaroni, Chiara Sbarigia, Valerio Toniolo and Daniele Pitteri . Francesca Via is the General Manager of the Foundation. Paola Malanga is the Artistic Director of the Film Festival and of the Cinema for Roma Foundation, supported by a selection committee composed by Giovanna Fulvi, Enrico Magrelli, Emanuela Martini, Ni