
Eurasian dimensions of Belarus's membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)

  A t the summit held on 3-4 July 2024 in the Kazakh capital, Astana , the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) signed the " Astana Declaration , " formally approving Belarus's accession to the organisation as its tenth member state . Belarus's membership in this organisation holds a strategic geopolitical dimension, as the country borders three EU member states, as well as Russia to the east and northeast, Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west, and Lithuania and Latvia to the northwest. This summit marked the inaugural meeting in the " SCO Plus " format, which includes 10 member states and 14 dialogue partner states. Dialogue partner status has been available since 2008. Guest participants at the summit included the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the United Nations, and Turkmenistan. The SCO is the successor of the Shanghai Five, established in 1996 by

The Essence of Today in Yesterday's Facts 1924-2024: Parvus A Hundred Years Later

  Aleksandr L'vovič Parvus Premise   T he more I delve into “ Parvus '” figure, the more I get deeper into the well of the problems which constitute the rear of the contradictions, which today burst out again with so much virulence. One cannot understand the war in Ukraine without understanding the Russian Revolution first; nobody can acquaint oneself with this war, once again in Europe – against Europe – if the multi-secular attempt of dismembering Russia by detaching Finland and Ukraine (as foreseen in Parvus' Memorandum; there is, today, a blatant similitude with 1939) from it, is not grasped. Likewise, incomprehensible are bound to remain the Middle Eastern and the Balkan puzzles, theatres of open conflicts or new tension, if one does not catch the intimate and deep essence of First World War and the actions of prominent men who, like Parvus, worked along the Rimland borders, the Middle Earth and gate to controlling the world. It is precisely the critical Rimland fault


  La Reggia di Caserta è il sogno di un monarca illuminato, Carlo di Borbone , figlio di Filippo V di  Spagna ed Elisabetta Farnese , che risponde materialmente alla necessità di definire il nuovo  cerimoniale del Regno di Napoli e di Sicilia , e di costruire un’identità dinastica per la gestione  istituzionale del potere, tra la tradizione diplomatica e culturale di provenienza e la vivace realtà  meridionale. Oggi un museo contemporaneo che opera in una dimensione internazionale. Con il suo enorme Parco reale , oggi Museo verde , questo gioiello a pochi chilometri da Napoli  rappresenta uno dei più importanti monumenti italiani che, grazie al suo respiro europeo, da  secoli seduce chiunque lo visiti. Il 19.07.2024 la Reggia di Caserta alle ore 12:00 presso la Sala degli incontri d’arte, Antonio  Imeneo / Pres.te del Premio Internazionale BOOKS for PEACE avrà il privilegio di conferire il  Premio BOOKS for PEACE 2024 al Direttore generale della Reggia di Casert a ,   Tiziana Maf