
Visualizzazione dei post da dicembre, 2022

Europe: Una Hysteria Importante

  Economic downturn; recession of plans and initiatives; systematically ignored calls for a fiscal and monetary justice for all ; €-crisis; Brexit and irredentism in the UK, Spain, Belgium, France, Denmark and Italy; lasting instability in the Euro-Med theatre (debt crisis of the Europe’s south – countries scrutinized and ridiculed under the nickname PIGS, coupled with the failed states all over the MENA); terrorism; historic low with Moscow culminating in the unprecedented opened armed conflict of West with Russia on the territory of yet another Slavic useful idiot , ill-fated Ukraine, all this combined with a confrontational but in fact frightened and disoriented Washington administration; influx of predominantly Muslim refugees from Levant in numbers and configurations unprecedented since the WWII exoduses (with an institutionalized racism in the Western migration policy while giving to fleeing Ukrainians diametrically different treatment); consequential growth of far-right parties

Country of No holidays from Geopolitics

  Yves Leterme, former Prime Minister of Belgium  In a 15th-century priory nestled away in a prestigious neighbourhood of Geneva, an exclusive audience from Europe, Asia, and Africa (under the program focused on International Relations and Global Politics) gathered on the gorgeous grounds of a university before His Excellency Yves Leterme, former Prime Minister of Belgium and Deputy Secretary General of the Paris-based OECD. He was speaking as part of the Geneva Lecture Series concepted and conducted by Professor Anis H. Bajrektarevic . Until recently, a basic principle of good governance was summarised in the motto „To govern is to foresee“. Now increasingly, it sounds „To govern is to manage the unforeseeable.”   This was the starting point of the presentation by his Excellency Yves Leterme . Prime Minister deeply impressed students with a combination of rational political and business approaches, a clear definition of key topics in society, and providing enough space for discussi

L’Osservatorio Diplomatico Internazionale sbarca nella Repubblica Centrafricana

Si allarga la rete dell’ Osservatorio Diplomatico Internazionale - ODI, fondato da Vito Grittani , ambasciatore  a.d. presso il Ministero degli Esteri della Repubblica di Abcasia.   A Parigi, lo scorso  14 dicembre 2022, sono stati  stretti nuovi rapporti con esponenti della Repubblica Centrafricana . Il primo progetto di collaborazione,riguarderà la realizzazione di un parco giochi da realizzare nella capitale Bangui .  Nell’incontro parigino, Vito Grittani ha nominato corrispondente dell’ Osservatorio  Diplomatico Internazionale per la Repubblica Centrafricana , Eric Damango , consigliere ed economico sociale del secondo distretto di Bangui e Presidente della commissione cooperazione internazionale pubblica e privata.  L' Osservatorio Diplomatico Internazionale nasce a Capurso in provincia di Bari ed è un organismo privato che si occupa da anni dello studio della diplomazia internazionale intrattenendo rapporti con rappresentanze diplomatiche accreditate in Italia e presso

Russia e Italia: l’arte che unisce

  Italia  e  Russia , due Paesi dalle antiche radici per i quali la  cultura  e l’ arte  in particolare, hanno sempre rappresentato dei  forti punti di unione . Anche per questo ci piace raccontare le storie che intrecciano  Russia  e  Italia , attraverso legami che sono umani e spesso anche di impegno culturale. Tra queste storie c’è quella di  Tatiana Akimova , cittadina russa che in Italia ha trovato l’amore, ma anche la sua  ispirazione artistica . Ecco cosa ci ha detto rispondendo alle nostre domande. Ciao Tatiana, anzitutto, presentati ai nostri lettori… Mi chiamo  Tatiana Akimova  e vengo dalla lontana penisola di  Kamciatka  (nord della  Russia ) quale geograficamente si trova difronte  Giappone . In occasione di una breve vacanza in Italia, il destino ha voluto che mi  innamorassi dell’Italia e non solo, facendo si che in questo meraviglioso paese la mia permanenza si prolunga ormai da ben 15 anni. Come nasce la tua passione per l’arte e qual’è la forma artistica con la quale

Escaping Prison of the Past to Architecture the Future

  Prime Minister Dritan Abazović - Montenegro " We need principles and values as most issues can only be solved together as a global society!" were the strong opening words of Prime Minister Abazović last month in Château d'Aïre, where the lecture series at the Swiss University special Executive Program, concepted and moderated by prof. Anis, continued. Under the label "Future Leaders", some 30 plus people from all over the world gathered and had the great honour of welcoming H.E. Prime Minister Abazović from Montenegro in the role of a lecturer at a beautiful castle built centuries ago, with Mount Everest right in front of their eyes. All came to broaden their horizon in politics and international affairs from the serving top executives.  Many significant matters were discussed throughout the day, with an emphasis on environmental issues and their protection and preservation, as well as positive peace and unity on a local, continental, and global level, someth